
The chapter president is responsible for presiding over the business meetings and ensuring that all rules and regulations are observed. The president appoints and serves as a member to all committees and decides tie votes. The president ensures that officers faithfully perform their duties.


The Treasurer is responsible keeping an accurate record of all chapter receipts and expenditures. The Treasurer shall collect all dues and other monies, depositing in a repository in the name of the chapter.

  • Receiving and depositing dues in the chapter’s bank account
  • Giving members receipts for their dues
  • Paying the bills that the chapter has voted to pay
  • Giving a report at the meetings
  • Keeping records that will allow a committee to audit the books at the end of the fiscal year
  • Balancing and reconciling the checking account
  • Filing 990-N with IRS each January


The Secretary is responsible for recording the proceedings of the chapter, writes and conducts the correspondence, as well as prepares reports due to (ISC)2.

  • Keeping all the records of the organization (including the committee reports) on file and keeping and up-to-date list of all the members
  • Signing all the minutes and other certified acts of the organization, unless the bylaws specify differently
  • Maintaining the official documents of the organization, including the bylaws, rules of order, standing correspondence, and minutes. The secretary keeps the bylaws or other governing documents up-to-date with any changes made through the amendment process
  • Mailing members a notice for each forthcoming meeting
  • Taking minutes at all business and board meetings, handling the correspondence, and preparing the agenda for the meetings (unless the president prefers to do this)
  • Calling the meeting to order if the president and vice president are absent and know how to preside until the assembly elects a temporary chairman
  • Bringing to each meeting the minutes book, bylaws, rules, membership list, a list of committees and their membership, the agenda, records, ballots, and any other necessary supplies

Membership Chair

The Membership Chair is responsible for promoting the membership growth of the chapter and ensuring new and potential members are able to take part as easily and smoothly as possible. Also responsible for maintaining membership records to ensure they are accurate and up-to-date.

  • Promoting the membership of the organization
  • Maintaining the active membership list
  • Other duties as assigned by the bylaws

Board Member

Board Members will assist in the operation and running of the chapter. Performing various duties not already defined previously as assigned and accepted during chapter and officer meetings.